Sunday, July 11, 2010

Free Tomatoes

We call these the 'free tomatoes' because they all came up where the chook tractor had been. At any given time we have about 24 plants at once. There are roma, grosse lisse, truss and most recently it looks like I have some cherry tomatoes come up. These tomatoes taste and smell like real tomatoes, if that makes sense. They remind me of the tomatoes when I was a kid.

After the sabotage of tomato seedlings in Bowen last week, everyone needs to buy a punnet and get them in now. You are only a week or two behind the ones they were growing in Bowen, so you can avoid paying an arm and a leg in the coming weeks. They are one of the easiest things to grow. Pinch out any little side shoots and concentrate on a nice healthy centre stem and stake it to keep it growing up (not out and all over the place) Go on - I dare you!!

1 comment:

Paula... said...

OK I've obviously had my head stuck in the sand again - what happened to the tomatoes in Bowen? Can you tell I don't get out much let alone watch the news LOL