Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Pay It Forward

I have been loving reading about this concept in the newspapers and letters to the editor, the ones where someone has gone to pay at the toll gate and found that the car in front paid for them, and then the recipient pays it forward and does something random for someone else!

I was lucky enough to be reading ~Kathryn's~ blog and be one of the three to be receiving a hand made gift from her! How cool is that!

So - my turn to pay it forward.
The first three to respond will get a hand made gift from me, but! you must pay it forward and do the same for another lucky three.



Anonymous said...

i have been ejoying hearing peoples pay it forward stories - very heart warming....

Ally said...

I will get your gift to you asap Julie!

Elie Smith said...

Ally I have heard of this happening and love your story Elie

Trish said...

Great idea Ally
Pay it Forward is a great movie too