Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mashed, chips, boiled, in their jackets, soup, roasted, gnocchi

So many ways to enjoy the humble spud. I have chitted and planted more potatoes this growing season than ever before. Our last crop was the best so far, and there is no better motivator than success. I really think the secret was patience. I normally go digging and ferretting around to see how big they are before they are ready. (quality control) This time they had definately yellowed and died off.

This time around I am trying my Pop's wisdom (passed down to me through my Dad). Pop's theory was to plant on Ekka Wednesday and dig up Melbourne Cup Day. Two easy dates to remember :-) So into the ground they went at Ekka time and we are now eagerly awaiting November to see how much they have died off. Dig up day might not be exactly on the Tuesday however, my race day hat might scare the chooks and the champagne at lunch time together with the pitchfork is just asking for trouble!

Thanks Poppy Brown - wish I got to know you.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Oh I love dates to do things! Thanks Ally's Pop, I'll be using this guide next year too :)