Monday, September 10, 2007

Slow and Steady

As it turns out I was heavier than I thought! When I started Weight Reduction Club my start weight was 79.9kg. I thought I was 77kg.
After two months I weighed in this morning at 76kg even. I am averaging 500g a week, which is what is recomended. I am just impatient! LOL I have managed to be the runner up loser of the month both months - and that gets me a smiley button to put on my ribbon :-)
I was also given a paint pallet this morning for losing 1/2 stone. Now for each stone I lose I get a gemstone. Looking forward to getting my first one - only 2.2 kg to go.

1 comment:

Elie Smith said...

You must be proud of yourself Ally for losing all the weight :-) Elie