At our last house we grew more than enough. Some would get missed for a few days and end up a foot long. We would slice them lenghways, scoop out the middle and stuff them with bacon and cheese and bake them in the oven.
My last few attempts would grow just fine, flower and produce fruit, but as soon as the baby zucchini were about as big as your finger they would start to rot from where the flower dropped off. We eat alot of zucc's so it was very frustrating not to be able to grow one of our favourites. I have high hopes for these little onesthough, they look to be doing great and I have been diligent with regular watering. I have three bushes thriving at the moment, each with five or six little veges on. Looking forward to letting a couple grow oversize to stuff again too!
it seems my excitement may have been a bit premature. Came home after a few days away to find the same yellowing and rot where the flower has dropped off -arrgghhh!!!
Oh you poor thing - I know this feeling! I am going to try to water mine more often, and buy them a bag of dolomite lime for calcium. Gonna hit them with the big guns!
I thought it was just us - we can't seem to grow zucchinis either, or at least we couldn't last season, which was the first time we tried. Planted some more a couple of weeks ago - fingers crossed!
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