Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well maybe not a 'bounty' exactly, but one I'm pretty happy with :-) There were also a couple of strawberries, but they didn't make it back up the yard... oops ;-)

Some of the carrots were a bit small to pull right now, but it is a good indication that the variety I have chosen (nantes) is going to grow well in this soil.

I was frustrated at only being able to pick a couple of tomatoes, or a handfull of lettuce leaves every now and then. I had visions of over flowing baskets of fresh veges like I'd just walked through a farmers market.... well it's getting there!

If nothing else, I am learning patience.

We've had three days of unseasonably hot weather for July, tops of 25 - 27! The beans are all covered in tiny baby beans and the snow peas are flowering. The bok choy and spinach can both start to be used this week, so I will be planning some dinners during the week to incorporate them. The strawberries have lots of flowers and tiny strawberries growing. There are a couple of mushrooms ready to add to the omlettes in the morning. I guess it really is quite a bountiful time on the Nugent plot at the moment :-)

1 comment:

Paula... said...

How I wish we had your unseasonably hot weather, it's been bloody freezing down here!