and being the blog challenged user that I am - I am not sure what to do! LOL It is apparently because I need a kick up the bum to use it again (thank you Paula)
My excuse was that nobody reads it - so if you do, please drop in and leave a comment.
And surely it has not been that long since I last posted - March?! for heaven's sake, the date must be wrong!
What's happening - well I work four days a week and clean and catch up on the other three.
We are building a house - so I guess I will have something to keep you all informed about ;-)
So far the slab is down and the 'stick' (tradey talk for frame) has been delivered. The power was connected to the site today and the chippies (tradey talk for stick putter togetherers) start tomorrow.
We have gone owner builder - so besides saving money we have a lot more control over time frames.
and what was the tag ????
OMG she's alive - glad my kick worked from all the way down here :)) Better make sure those stick putter togetherers do a good job or I'll come give them a kick up the butt as well :))
See I read and YES the last post was MARCH for crying out loud!!!
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