It can't be that hard - can it? It's not like I haven't done it before. As you can see from the picture I have gotten a bit porky again. Sorry Paula for dragging you in here :-)
It had managed to get down to 70 kg, but I got lazy, I love food. Damn those cheese platters and chardy's. Before I knew it I was up to 80 kg. Note the multiple chins and noice roll around the middle! Ignore the boobs, I've always had them ROFL!
I have lost 3kg since this picture was taken. I have signed up with the local weight reduction club (WRC), which is not really me, but it is somewhere to go to weigh in each week and be accountable. Part of the WRC guidelines require me to visit the Doctor and get a goal weight. Mine is 67 kg. So currently at 77kg - it is only 10kg to go. I am following the WW points plan, drinking heaps more water and walking every day I can.
It's only 10 kg - it can't be that hard - can it? Well I've told you all now, so I am just going to have to do it.
well done on being honest with yourself and us!!!!!! i will be waving to you as i drive i am super lazy...
well we know it will be hard !! but you've got support behind you and we knwo you can DO IT !!!!
Don't be so hard on yourself Ally! You are a wonderful person and I am sure that you will be able to achieve whatever you set your mind to and be happy :-)
I'm so glad you did drag me into it - I'm with you on this one and need to lose some weight too. This is not just vanity talking, but my ankle is litterally buckling under the pressure and I need to do something about it too!!
Good on you for putting it out there and being accountable - those cheese platters and chardy's were good though ROFL.
You definitely aren't alone in wanting to lose some weight Ally . . . good on you for putting it out there and good luck with achieving your goal!
Welcome to blogging!!! You and Paula look both look great I think! Good luck with your goals though!! I'm still struggling all the time! But just keep plodding along! We are going to have our 'back to the 60's' party one of these days!LOL
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